Something exciting happened a couple of months ago that I wanted to share. What feels like forever ago, but in actual time only 3 1/2 years ago, I participated in an artist's round robin with 9 other women around the country. The way it worked was each person started a blank journal and decided if the book had a theme or what not, then each person mailed their journal to the next person on the list so that they could work in it. And around it went for a year, mailing off a journal each month and getting one in return, until you get your own journal back filled with all different art. I loved sharing like this, and looked forward to each unique journal arriving in the mail with anticipation. As my friends will attest to, I am not a particularly timely or organized individual, but somehow I found the discipline to work on each book and to mail it out within a month (all except the last journal, I did lag with that) And it all was great fun until I didn't get my own book back. It got stuck on the person in front of me~ for 2 years! Naturally, I felt a little burned at having put so much time and energy into everyone's journal, and to not get one back was disappointing. So then, when she finally mailed me my round robin journal it was twice as exciting to open. I wanted to share some of the other artist's work, but thought maybe it was too personal. So here is one of the pages I did way back then. Back before the baby, or the house, or the dog, or the chickens, or the goats. Back when we lived in the school bus and were dreaming of all this. Crazy.
sweetness, I love it!!!!!!!!!
Uncle BIG nose
What a special treat to get your book back after so long of an absence...it must of been magical...I like the pages you decided to showcase here...particularly like the detail in the small of her back...
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