
Snowy New Hampshire

Lilikoi and I flew to New Hampshire on Skybus (cheap, orange, airplane) to visit the family for 1 & 1/2 weeks. It has been a wonderful time. Seeing Lili with "Meme & Pepe" and "Papa Dane & Amy" has been such a treat. There is so much snow- more than I have seen in one place in my lifetime. The snowbanks make the roads into tunnels, and cars have to inch their noses out of the driveways to see if the coast is clear.
While I have been here I have been enjoying my mom's Internet, and I have been inspired mostly by my dear friend Caren to begin a blog. What or who is this blog for? As a writing discipline for myself? A spot for the grandparents to ogle over their sweet granddaughter? A place to connect to like-minded folks? A place to display my artistic adventures? Well, I just don't know yet...

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I have added you to my bloglist I hope you dont mind me reading :)