
tool shed :: part 2

It has been a bare feet kind of winter here. I truly feel ambivalent about the daffodils that are pushing up through the dirt. Where is our snow???
However, I will admit that three kids drinking cold smoothies with bare feet in the February sunshine is pretty sweet...

Meanwhile, Alex worked hard on phase two of the tool shed. It is coming right along. The chickens seem completely unfazed by the addition.
 P.S.~ Now that Seo's top molars have pushed through (Beginning at Thanksgiving and finally through this past week) he is dramatically less whiny/fussy & has been so stinkin' cute. I just want to squeeze him in sheer delight all the time. Makes me so happy. 


chris said...

oh, what a sweet little face! he really is getting big! amazing that you have barefoot children this time of year!

Erin said...

Oh he is so stinkin cute! I just love those shots! Ah, spring will be here one day too...