

the carmona's house
Solstice came and went with blustery wind and a little snow. At the dinner table our family lit a candle to celebrate and Lili requested we give a cheers to the light returning so we all raised our sippy cups and beer bottles to this special occasion. 
Our Seed & Sky orders have tapered off and my father and Amy arrived for the holidays yesterday. My mom and Paul are coming this evening. They are all house sitting for the Carmonas which is so easy and perfect (Thanks Carmonas!). My sister is also due to have her baby sometime in the next 3 weeks too. Exciting times here! I hope wherever you are you are feeling loved and cozy. xxx
my dad. 



Have I told you how much I love making snowflakes?

The past couple of years I have been using coffee filters to make snowflakes. They work well because they are ready to go and they are such a light paper so they are easy to fold and cut.  Alex discovered that you can use hole punches to make neat dots in them too. The decorative scissors are hard to use on the coffee filters, but an adult can do it.

When you are making snowflakes with little ones they need so much assistance it is almost impossible to make your own, so I took a bit of Seo's nap-time the other day to revel in making my own. I just love making snowflakes. 


dear santa...

I have mixed feelings about the notion of Santa Claus. I have sweet memories of Christmas and Santa, and I wasn't personally scarred when I found out Santa wan't "real". As a parent I am one part giddy about the magic of it all and the twinkle in the eyes, and one part uneasy with not telling the truth and the consumerism aspect of Santa. It is all so much.

And yet, while my adult mind is feeling muddled and fretful about how best to instill what I think is important about this time of year, my children are excited. So excited. Seo is in LOVE with the tree and Lili is in awe about the reindeer and the mystery of it all. And they are joyful at making cookies, and snowflakes, and presents for others. Whenever I find myself complicating it I try to let it go and see it through their eyes. 


*BOOSTER (as in a big kid booster car-seat)
LIPSTiCK (preferably purple)
ORANGE (yes, the kind you eat)

half heart, half heart, half heart (she said she doesn't know how to draw a full heart yet)
iiLKOi" (Lilikoi)
When she is older I hope I have the grace to explain Santa eloquently like this: http://www.cozi.com/live-simply/truth-about-santa


The Peace of Wild Things

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

~Wendell Berry



 Some random photos to share...

At the Indie Craft Experiece (ICE) show in downtown Atlanta they had us park in a parking lot near the show. This is what we parked next to!
 At my friend Devon's wedding: The first time I have seen Alex in a suit.
 Our car turned 200,000 miles!!!
 Waiting in line for our Thanksgiving turkey. It was grown by our friends at the Which Came First Farm:
I am sure there are a lot more randoms, but that is enough for today ;) 


my show

Alex and I hung my show at Ananda Hair Salon on Tuesday night. The space at Ananda is huge with beautiful wood floors and a long 44' wall and several smaller walls to hang work on. It took us 5 hours to hang my show, and we were both delirious when we finally turned off the lights at 1:30am.

My show consists of 20 of my original paintings. It felt so good to see them all together. My art studio is only 7.5'x7.5' so I never get to see my work all spread out with room to breathe. They had asked me if I wanted to have an art opening a few weeks ago... and at the time it felt way too overwhelming to consider it and I said no. Now that my show is up I feel a bit sad about it. It all looks so good together and I don't know if anybody I know will get a chance to see all of my new work. At the very least it was good practice for future shows!
 Life has been so full I haven't shown anyone my new work... I love this one. 

 Some more new work...
 And one of the biggest paintings I have ever done at 4'x5'. I got the canvas for free because it was all wonky. I always have disliked the give and bounce of painting on canvas, but for some reason I enjoyed painting on it for this one...
 This one doesn't match the majority of my work right now as well, so I hung it in the back near the shampoo area. It looked really nice all on it's own.
 If you live in Asheville stop by and check it out! 



Our Big Crafty Booth 2012
So much of a whirlwind these past few weeks! The short list:

*A weekend show in Atlanta (Indie Craft Experience.)
* A visit from Alex's Dad Gramps ♥
* Thanksgiving. 
* The Big Crafty Show in Asheville.
* Making, making, making.
* Packing, packing, packing our Etsy orders. :)
* Hanging my art show at Ananda Salon (more on this later!)

* And today : A long awaited family day of going out to lunch and getting our tree!