
cold weather artist blues.

It is cold today. Very cold. This is the view from my Father's deck~ see how the snow is all indented on the top railing? That is from the birds landing there. One of my first thoughts when I looked out there this morning was those poor birds...

I have had a discouraging art week this week. First off the tub carrying some newly covered artist boxes (Alex built them to mount my larger pieces on) and my large collection of scrap papers leaked on the way up, despite that it was double bungied. So the paper on the box frames got water damage, and all my papers bled and wrinkled and all sorts of disheartening stuff happened to them. Then the traveling, then I got sick, then fun visiting, general laziness, not having childcare... well these are my excuses for not having painted one bit in the last week and half.
Then last night I opened my Etsy site and saw that I had sold a painting. But soon after I read my inbox and saw that the customer had written me an apology to say she was debating buying my painting and accidentally hit the purchase button. So of course that is a big disappointment, and also a big pain because I will have to rescan and enter that painting into Etsy again as I don't have that in my files. I guess that only takes about a half hour, but still... I charge the bare minimum on my small paintings that I can so they can be affordable. So when stuff like this happens it is discouraging.

Really the only way to remedy it all is to find that spark inside me and carve out the time and start creating. That is almost always the way out of the cold weather, artist blues...


Anonymous said...

i often find it hard in hibernation mode (ie the long n.e. winters)to tap into that inner spark...i hope it is easily found:)

Gypsy at Heart said...

Aw...you sweet little girl. I was wondering when you might hit a lull, I mean, you've been on fire since Lily was born! Don't be hard on yourself, my dear...a little down time can be good for the soul...makes the highs feel even higher when they come back...and they will come back;)

Erin said...

I am sorry you are having the artist blues. Especially in such a cold time in NH. Sometimes we need a break in order to rejuvenate. Maybe that is what is happening. Stay warm and enjoy the moment.