
30 days of happiness :: 1

The last couple months have been a very introverted time for me. I have done very little art, barely kept the house at an acceptable level of cleanliness, and have been out of touch with some of my closest friends. Although I am harboring this incredible joy at growing a life inside me, the dark side of this time has been a lingering sadness and a lot of self reflection.
As if on cue, as I have officially stepped into my 2nd trimester I feel some of this inactivity, sadness, and tiredness slip from my shoulders. I have found myself desiring to blog again, scrubbing the kitchen sink to a sparkling state, and looking up interesting recipes to cook for dinner. I have been thinking about my art supplies longingly again too...
So in celebration of this change I will be following in one of my dear friend's footsteps by blogging each day for 30 days about something that brings joy to my daily life.
Here is #1.
The many crayon drawings that now hang on our fridge make me so happy. Oftentimes our little left handed artist collaborates with her dad as you can see in the picture to the left. I have always been in love with the inhibition of children creating art... and now I am lucky enought to experience it daily!


Linda said...

Many blessings to you as you embark on the wonderful journey of documenting your joy...
Lili is so lucky to have parents who value and practice expression through the arts!
I am so lucky to have you all in my life! And,yes, doesn't the freedom of a child's art bring such admiration? That's why I LOVE my job!

Erin said...

I Am excited to follow both you and Caren through 30 days of happiness. And look forward to seeing Lili grow as an artist too :-)

Beth HF said...

Ahhh the ebbs and flows of pregnancy and artistry. I know them well. I too have not been picking up the pens or pencils...hoping Fall will be a bit more inspiring!! Can't wait to see your posts of joy:)

Anonymous said...

Oh, dear one, I've missed you and I'm glad to "see" you back in this space! Of course, the most wonderful and intimate parts of life happen beyond the screen, and I wish you many moments of joy in that space as well. I'm looking forward to seeing where this project takes each of us (and many others, too!)