

dear Seo.

What to say? I want to write a love letter to you, but I am too tired. Perhaps some random thoughts amid my fogginess?

  • You are already you are so much older than you were. Older than last week. Older than yesterday. Each morning when we wake up together I look at you and I am still in awe, even though more than 2 1/2 months have passed since your birth. As I carry you slung in one arm as I fix something to eat in the kitchen, or change diaper after diaper, it is easy to forget this time is just flying by. But, when you wake up now you are so alert and engaged that it reminds me of how fast you are growing.
  • You don't smile much~ (maybe a few times a day, for 5 min stints or so), but when you do it is amazing. Your toothless mouth opens in a grin as wide as it can go. It makes all those moments when you were fussy melt away.
  • You weigh 11.25 lbs and are 22" long.
  • You are a champion nurser.
  • You are less fussy than you were two weeks ago.
  • But you sure do fart a lot still. Boy can you fart.
  • We all still call you "BabyBrother" a lot. We need to stop that.
  • You are losing that cute grunty newborn thing and moving into cooing at us.
  • You are starting to get pudgy feet and toes.


Kathleen said...

Love the blog. Baby Brother is perfect. David called Alex Baby Brother Door Bear, and we still have some friends back in Elmhurst that refer to him as Door Bear. He is the boy with a hundred nicknames;)All sweet.

chris said...

such a touching and sweet letter. and what a beautiful little boy! thanks for sharing!