

This past weekend Alex and I left the kids with a combination of family and friends (thanks guys!) to participate in the Greenville SC Indie Craft Parade. In retrospect, one of us could have done it alone, but it was nice to have a mini work-vacation together. We realized it was the first time we have slept alone (not sharing a bedroom with the kids or sleeping in a friend or families house) in 5 years! Let me say that again... 5 years! wowza... It was awesome... until I woke up on the last day of the show (and my birthday to boot) with a stomach bug. I spent the day in bed at the hotel while Alex wrapped up the show.
Overall the show was amazing. I am sure I will share more when I get around to uploading the photos from our phone. In the meantime I thought I would share the work of our Indie Craft Parade neighbor, Katie, from Concrete Lace:

She makes the best letter-pressed cards and posters. (Check out her Etsy shop!) She made our good weekend even better with her sweetness and sense of humor. Being next to the right person at a show (esp. a long one like this) can make all the difference.

1 comment:

Daisie said...

Belated Happy Birthday!!
Hope you're feeling better? x