
a family day at flat rock bakery

The days of sitting around on a weekend morning, drinking coffee, and listening to "This American Life" together seem to be a thing of the far distant past... So when we we woke up on Sunday to a beautiful fall day we decided to take a family trip to our favorite bakery.It is a bakery that is owned and run by our friend Dave. He used to be the manager of the bread department at the bakery where Alex and I worked. He started this bakery a few years ago, and not only does he make the most incredible bread and wood-fired pizzas, but he also makes amazing pastries... (which happen to be a pregnancy downfall of mine)It takes about 45 mins to drive there, but it was well worth it. Plus it was such a lovely day with all the leaves... On the way home we stopped and picked out some pumpkins to carve. hooray for family days...


Adam said...

Hooray indeed.

Pastries...a life downfall of mine. Or a life upfall!

Erin said...

Mmm... pastries and family time. Sounds great to me! Love you all!

Liz said...

So sweet, I just love all the photos. You guys are so beautiful!

Linda said...

Was it really 2 years ago I was there visiting Lili for the first time? I think we went to the same bakery and stopped for pumpkins, too!
MISS YOU!!!!!!!!