We woke up at 4 am this morning Nicaraguan time (I never did figure out if that is 1 or 2 hours behind EST...) and made it home after a 2 1/2 hour bus ride, 3 1/2 plane ride, a 2 1/2 hour customs/entry into the US leg, and a 4 hour truck ride. Lili was a trooper through it all, and slept a lot of the trip much to our delight. I can't believe this morning I was on a bus that was beeping at a woman carrying a giant bowl of bananas on her head, and now we are back home in NC where there are no leaves on the trees anymore, Alex and Lili are tucked under a down blanket, and furthermore it may snow. CRAZY.
yeah. I am glad you are back safe and sound. Can't wait to hear about it. Adam's parents spent a lot of time in Nicarauga and are thus looking forward to hearing where you were and how it all was!
i love you kelcey, and i love to think of your family tucked under a down blanket after tropical adventures. i can't wait to hear all about it!
Glad you are back...safe and sound.
Can't wait to hear about your trip
from palm trees to snow in one day. isn't modern travel amazing? welcome home!
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