Alex was already gone. He had gotten up before dawn to milk the goat and go wash windows with David (David has a window cleaning business). They ended up having to turn around due to the snow, and so now we are having a peaceful family day. Peaceful that is except for Lili's fits. I started to feel depressed about it this morning as she whined and cried over and over and over. I set her down? tantrum. I won't let her hold the glass jar in the fridge? tantrum. Have to put on a diaper? tantrum. I I just thought tantrums happened in the terrible twos...

I do feel much better now. I feel reassured that I am not doing anything "wrong" and I am armed with some good gentle discipline approaches to handle her fits. Thank God for all of the other mothers out there who can offer me peace of mind!
The MDC is such a great resource! Those ladies have helped me figure out so many things -- from pregnancy, breastfeeding, newborn stuff and now learning about gentle discipline techniques. I love it!
I'm sure Lili will get back into the swing of things once she gets used to being back at home and things have calmed down.
William has started having little mini-tantrums, too, over similar things. And we've been out of town for two weeks and now are leaving again for basically a month! Quite a bit of upheaval here, too!
Good luck! :)
My sweet, sweet daughter-in-law,
I remember when Davey had his first tantrum. He was Lily's age and it broke my heart. I was NEVER going to have kids that acted like that...
Ha! It's soooo normal. Her walking world has just opened up for her, and she wants to explore and touch everything NOW:0 So glad you have Ema next door to coach you through. You are going to be fine. Just breathe!. Love you so much. You are doing an awesome job!
Re: Kathleen's remarks
Those are some words of wisdom, spoken by someone who knows and obviously cares!
She's right. You are doing an awesome job!
Lili is finding her way in the world. She has so much to say but hasn't quite mastered the art of language.... You're her fabulous mom - doing a fabulous job - and you both will find your way. I haven't a doubt about it! You will show her how to have a voice - her own strong voice - and to use it with kindness, consideration and effectiveness. It's sooooooo normal. And I'm sure just a phase. Keep up the wonderful mothering. I love you!
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