
Lili learns to feed herself with a spoon.

This is what Grandparents are good for. Being way more adventuresome with the grand kid than the parents are. I had yet to let Lil get this involved in feeding herself, but as you can see, she LOVED it. She is even eating something she typically wouldn't eat. Yesterday my Mom gave her two cups full of rice (to play with, not to eat), situated on a cookie sheet, in the middle of her living room floor. I am positive my eyebrows were raised when I saw what she was about to give Lili. I mean, just think of the mess! But of course, Lili LOVED it. And so what if there are little bits of rice hiding out in every crevice of the room now?


Anonymous said...


That's a big person's spoon.

Which, in case you were wondering, is specially designed to be much messier...er...cuter than a "little person's" spoon.

Liz said...

love,love,love,love,love it!

David said...

yeah Lily! Your NC family is very proud of you! Can't wait to see you...
auntie em

LissyLou said...

very cute!! x