I spied a very sad little yellow carebear that the big kids left behind in my yard yesterday. I ran to get my camera to document the spotting, then called out to it "Hey little carebear, do you want to help feed my baby?" Two little ears perked up...
It nodded it's head and came running...
And stopped at my door, looked up at me, and waited to be let in...
To cheer that care bear up I let it feed the baby...
Lilikoi's response to this: "I just LOVE it when big yellow carebears come to play!"

I am glad that smile could make the Care Bear Happy! Yay for big smiles.
Well, who doesn't love it when Sunshine Bear shows up on your doorstep?
did any food make it in her mouth? is this a newfangled souther appalachian fashion statement?
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